
A place for peace of mind


Running Neural Celluar Auotmata on the web


Built with Svelte

Neural Celluar Automata project with inspiration from original lenia paper and a series of discussion on self-organising systems on The original lenia implementation was not fully differentiable and often did not lead to interesting patterns. I've made a few adjustments to address these problems. Initial implementation was written in JAX. The web version was made using tensorflow.js and SvelteKit.

ArXiv Vectors

arxiv vectors

A sane way to search papers on ArXiv


Built with Svelte

Frankly, there are a lot of CS/ML papers on arXiv. Perhaps too much. There are projects such as arXiv sanity which tries to alleviate this issue, but with arrivial of vector databases and high-quality LLM embeddings, I thought it'd be fun to quickly build a search engine for arXiv papers. Suprisingly it only costs $6 to embed all CS/ML abstracts from arXiv using OpenAI embedding service. I've used pinecone for vector database, Svelte for building the application, and for hosting.



Samples from Stylegan implementation

A personal project and playground to benchmark latest development in image generation. I maintain a dataset for image generation with a focus on anime illustration and video synthesis illustration dataset, courtesy of Gwern, LAION, and Kaggle. I provide a clean, hackable, and performant open-source implementation of image generation models. Both in pytorch and JAX. I also write a technical blog on my progress and interest. I have a minimal/hackable Stylegan, ViT-VQGAN, Waifu2x, Real-ESRGAN implementations in JAX. I also maintain it's pytorch counterparts. I plan to release the code and additional datasets in the future.